What makes the ducks at our friends from Hudson Valley so special? Since their start in 1990, they have utilized a cross breed between the Male Muscovy and the Female Pekin. This Moulard breed provides the optimal balance between size and texture while also benefiting the flavor and color creating a duck with exceptional characteristics. Their Magret Duck sets the standard with its mild gaminess and robust flavor. One taste and you can see why chef’s demand Hudson Valley Duck. Each pack of two breasts weighs about 2 lbs.
Cooking Details
- Start by trimming away excess fat that extends beyond the edge of the meat.
- Score the fat side in a crosshatch pattern, only cutting ¾ of the way through the skin. Season liberally with salt and pepper.
- Place a skillet over low heat and immediately place the duck breast skin side down in the dry pan. Allow duck skin to render fat for 8-10 minutes. No fat or oil is needed.
- Cook for approximately 8 minutes. Raise the heat to medium-high and flip the breast over, cooking for another 4 minutes.
- You are looking for medium- rare inside.
- As the breast continues to cook, fat will begin to render and collect in the pan, this can be strained once or twice during the cooking process and reserved.
- Let rest for five minutes, then slice into 1/8” pieces.
PLEASE NOTE: This item arrives FROZEN for freshness.